Ok, now I know I'm obsessed. Last night I dreamt that I was at a Pearl Jam gig in a very small hall (almost like a school hall) and, during the interval (at a gig???!!) Eddie Vedder was walking around the crowd with me and my wife. Like we were old friends or something. And this isn't the first time I have had dreams of seeing Pearl Jam and being friends with members of the band! The sooner I go to this gig (1 month to go) and get it out of my system, the better!!
This has got to be just about the coolest news in the history of the world ever!!
The directors of ET and the Lord of the Rings trilogy are teaming up to bring the adventures of Tintin, Belgium's famous globe-trotting reporter, to the big screen.
Yep, that's right Spielberg and Jackson are reported to be working on bringing Tintin to the cinema. According to the reports:
Now, I have always been a big Tintin fan. I always though they were far more sophisticated than people would have you believe. The Blue Lotus is a phenomenal work mixing politics with old school adventure. The Tintin books have already been compared to some of the greatest works of literature. This could yet be one of Spielberg's finest work. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed anyway.
"The most ancient Briton of English beasts," wrote the poet Edward Thomas of the badger, a justified verdict on a black-and-white creature that has always added colour to the nation's life. The appearance of one sett in the Domesday Book merely marks the start of the current chapter in a tale stretching back a quarter of a million years. Despite their elusive nature, their inquisitive face is still one of the most recognisable symbols of British wildlife. And the 250,000 living in this country also represent a rare ecological success - the population has held its own far better than in most of continental Europe.
Decades after badger-baiting was driven underground, the brock has not seen off all enemies, however. Dairy farmers believe the creatures infect their herds with TB and are pushing for a cull. Ministers flinch at making a martyr of a lovable icon; they have played for time by commissioning a study that will be finished this summer. Devotees at the Badger Trust are not waiting to put their case across. After burrowing through the evidence, they yesterday produced a report drawing on the best scientific journals. It points out that the Irish policy of laying 6,000 snares each night has decimated badger numbers, but not reduced a bovine TB problem twice the scale of Britain's. Infection can pass from badger to cattle but, it seems, that is much less important than transmission between the cows themselves. The debate is not over, but prospects are brightening for badgers.
Last FM has had a bit of a touch-up and it's even cooler than it was before. In the 'Recently Played' box in the sidebar, the Last FM widget allows you to play 30 second snippets from the songs I have been listening to. How cool is that? All you have to do, is click the little play symbol and away it goes. They have also added a widget to display your 'music quilt', which is equally cool. If you haven't done so already, I seriously recommend signing up. It opens a new world of possibilities. And best of all, it's an English invention (as are all great inventions!!).
Ok, I give in. I can't run away forever. Most people in the real world know my embarrassing music secret, so I guess I have to relent and share them with you too (I should never have posted that quiz). The only problem is, I cannot remember what bands I let slip so I will have to share all of them with you. However, by way of revenge, you will actually have to watch the clips to work out who they are (you didn't think I would make this easy did you?) The clips I have chosen just so happen to be my favourites by each artist:
1) 2)
3) A Shelley connection:
4) I've got a feeling I was in the crowd for this one: