On reflection, I have probably given a rather one-sided view of Spain after my things I miss about England thing. So here are some things I love about being in Spain:
- Gambas - Damn, I could eat those things all day and night. Neath, if you thought I was bad on strawberries, you ain't seen nothing yet.
- Serrano ham - Pure heaven!!
- An unlimited supply of beer - how good is that??!!
- A virtual guarantee of sun!!
- The fact that I am treated like a minor celebrity by friends and family as I am an exotic foreigner upon which everyone must practice their English.
- Seville - one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen.
- Fresh fish - Unlike England (which is weird given as the UK is an island), there is fish everywhere and it is a staple of the diet.
- The friendly nature of the Spanish, which contrasts with the 'cold' English.
- The history. Few places show the combination of Jewish, Christian and Islamic influences. Fascinating.
So there you go, I love it here. Shame the time has gone so quickly, I will be back in England by the end of the week. |
Gambas- Korovas drug of choice.
Are you as picky over the temperature of Gambas as you are over the temperature of Strawberries though?